Fast Track Your Entire Job Hunt

Effortless, expert applications. Apply for jobs in minutes, not hours.

Register now and write your first cover letter in just two minutes.

Write-it-Right is an AI-driven tool making the job-hunt easier

Intelligently integrate your work experience, background, values, and more to fit your dream job in seconds with our tailored resumes and cover letter drafts.

Tailored Cover Letters

Generate a draft cover letter for any job description in seconds. Simply upload your resume, copy a job description, and go!

Tailored Resumes

Tailor your resume to each job description to get an edge. Emphasize the skills and experience that matter most, automatically.

Job Search Suggestions

Get recommendations for job titles and career paths to consider based on transferrable skills and relevant experience.

Resume Review

Comprehensive resume reviews: vocabulary, grammar, and spelling, red flags to hiring managers, content ideas, ATS compatibility, and more.

Create a New Resume

New to the job hunt? No problem! Work with our expert AI interviewer, either by text or voice, to input your skills and experiences and then generate a fantastic resume.

Coming Soon

Interactive Revisions

Rewrite your main resume to make an impact. Our AI will analyze your resume, ask clarifying questions, and help you communicate the value of past skills, experiences, and accomplishments.

Coming Soon

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